Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Le Petit Castor ♥

I woke up this morning with a an urge to watch old
cartoon intro's..that I did! =^^= anyways this is probably
my favorite cartoon of all my childhood. Its called The Little Beaver.
Intro song = stuck in your head for hours! Oh and yes, I'm french. (:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome =^^=

So, yes, hello everyone let me introduce myself. My name is Cloe but you can call me Tohru since thats one of my favorite characters from my favorite manga, Fruits Basket. ANYWAYS either name is fine with me. ^^ I'm a big player of the Sims..of course. I usually just make sims so I dont play much ..sometimes not at all. If you're wondering what I'll be featuring on this blog well if you guessed sims..then your absolutely right! Congrats you're prize is in the mail! (: (sorry had to add a little sarcasm..i'd like to think im the queen of Sarcasm but no...that would be my mom..so its safe to say im princess of sarcasm eh..I'm good with that.) Well thats a little smidge about me. If someone challenged me to write absolutely everything about myself  i'd be writing until im 297482745 years old..so PLEASE do not challenge me! Thanks! Hopefully you'll like my blog..if you've read this far once again...congratulation! On the other hand if you've died of boredom im sorry..

<--- Random picture thingy of the day


                                      -Cloe ♥